API Documentation

This is the API documentation of the public API of multilstsq. These are the most commonly used functions when using multilstsq.

Least squares

class multilstsq.MultiLstSq(problem_dimensions, n_parameters, internal_dtype=<class 'float'>)

Multiple least squares problems.

y = Xβ + ε

This is a class which can exist in three modes:

  • MODE_REGRESSION: add data to the least square matrices to obtain the mean
  • MODE_VARIANCE: compute the variance
  • MODE_READONLY: the object is frozen.

The mode can only be switched “forward” (it is not possible to move from MODE_VARIANCE to MODE_REGRESSION for example.)

__init__(problem_dimensions, n_parameters, internal_dtype=<class 'float'>)

Create a MultiLstSq object, which is originally in MODE_REGRESSION.

  • problem_dimensions – Tuple, size of the problem array, it can be () (0-dimensional), for a single least square problem, or for example (800, 600) for 800x600 times the regression problem
  • n_parameters – Number of parameters of the least squares problem.
  • internal_dtypenumpy.dtype data type of the matrices

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

add_data(X, y, w=None)

Add data to the object (depending on the mode, for either mean or variance computation)


The linear coefficients that minimize the least squares criterion.


Evaluate Xβ


Number of observations n.


Number of parameters


Residual sum of squares


Scaling parameter for the covariance matrix.


Switch to read-only mode.


Switch to variance computation mode.


Returns the variance/covariance matrix.


class multilstsq.MultiRegression(problem_dimensions, model_str, internal_dtype=<class 'float'>)
__init__(problem_dimensions, model_str, internal_dtype=<class 'float'>)

Create a MultiLstSq object, which is originally in MODE_REGRESSION.

  • problem_dimensions – Tuple, size of the problem array, it can be () (0-dimensional), for a single least square problem, or for example (800, 600) for 800x600 times the regression problem
  • n_parameters – Number of parameters of the least squares problem.
  • internal_dtypenumpy.dtype data type of the matrices
add_data(X, y, w=None)

Add data to the object (depending on the mode, for either mean or variance computation)

Expression evaluator

class multilstsq.ExprEvaluator(expr, constants=None, enable_caller_modules=True)
__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Substitute the arguments in the expression, and then evaluate it and return the resulting Python object.

The positional arguments are zip()’ed with the variable_list of multilstsq.ExprEvaluator.enable_call(), which the named arguments are directly substituted.


The Python object of the evaluated expression.

__init__(expr, constants=None, enable_caller_modules=True)

Initialize an ExprEvaluator object

  • expr – Expression string, should be a valid Python 3 expression
  • constant – Dictionary of constants {'constantname': value}.
  • enable_caller_modules – Boolean, if True modules of the first frame in the stack outside of multilstsq will be included in the context of the expression

Return repr(self).

Returns:a string corresponding to the expression

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Returns:Set of constants names (values which have a defined substitution) in the current expression

Enables calling the expression, as a simplification for calling multilstsq.ExprEvaluator.substitute() followed by multilstsq.ExprEvaluator.eval().

Parameters:variable_list – List of variables names which correspond to the arguments which will be used in multilstsq.ExprEvaluator.__call__()
Returns:The python object which results of the expression
Raises:ValueError – if at least one variable is not defined
Returns:A copy of the current expression, where all known part of the syntax tree are simplified.

For example, reducing a*(b+c) with known b and c, will result in a*__ExprEvaluator_0, where __ExprEvaluator_0 is defined as a constant.

substitute(expressions=None, constants=None)

Substitute expressions or constants in the current expression.

  • expressions – dictionary of expression to substitute. The keys can be of str, ast.AST or multilstsq.ExprEvaluator.
  • constants – dictionary of constants to substitute {'constantname': value}

New multilstsq.ExprEvaluator object with the substitution done.

Returns:Set of variables names (values which don’t have a defined substitution) in the current expression